Chief Wellness Officer, Cleveland Clinic; Cofounder RealAge
Michael F. Roizen, MD, is a graduate of Williams College and graduate of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine. He performed his residency in internal medicine at Harvard's Beth Israel Hospital and completed Public Health Service at the National Institutes of Health. He is certified by both the American Boards of Internal Medicine and of Anesthesiology. Dr. Roizen is the Cofounder and Chair of the RealAge, Inc., Scientific Advisory Board.
Dr. Roizen is a past chair of a Food and Drug Administration advisory committee and a former editor for six medical journals. He has published more than 165 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 100 textbook chapters, 30 editorials and four medical books. He has received 13 U.S. and many foreign patents. He is one of the cofounders of the website RealAge.com and still chairs its Scientific Advisory Board.
After nine years on the faculty at the University of California, San Francisco, he chaired the top-10-rated Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care at the University of Chicago. He then became Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice President for Biomedical Sciences at SUNY Upstate. After serving as CEO of the Biotechnology Research Corporation of Central New York, he accepted a position as Chair of the Anesthesiology Institute at Cleveland Clinic, responsible for over 180 operatories, 124 critical care beds and 28 pain therapy intervention units. In 2007, Dr. Roizen was named Chief Wellness Officer at Cleveland Clinic, the first such position in a major healthcare institution in the United States. Dr. Roizen also serves as Chairman of the Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
His first general-audience book, RealAge: Are You as Young as You Can Be? became a number one New York Times bestseller. His other books include The RealAge Diet: Make Yourself Younger With What You Eat, written with Dr. John La Puma; Cooking the RealAge Way, also with Dr. La Puma; and The RealAge Makeover. His book, YOU: The Owner
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