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Interviewer: When we talk about prostate cancer, what in particular makes that small gland get cancer? Why is that little thing producing cancer or cancer going to that little area?
: Well there's a couple reason. I'll give you two offhand. Aside from patients will say the usual they have habits and the toxins and all this. But you're asking to specific for that gland and two good reasons for you. One is that it is a high metabolic gland. Anything in the body that's being affected by either high metabolism or by toxic, caustic compounds you're going to have cancer. Hence smoking and why smoking will cause cancer. Alcohol will cause cancer. Something caustic. Now you might say, what is he referring to with the prostate? I'll tell you something. It's called testosterone. Now, you and I went through puberty. You know what that stuff did to our brains, right? Well not imagine it bathing in the prostate. And I'm being a little flippant but that hormone is powerful for a reason. Let me give you another flip example. Adrenaline. When I get chased by the police on the highway and you get that spike of adrenaline go through your arteries. That adrenaline spike is cortisol. Cortisol it's a hormone. You need it. But when you get a spike of it the reason it works so well is because it's so caustic. It forces the body to have a reaction quickly and when you feel that burning sensation it's because that hormone is literally burning inside your artery. Now, once you outrun the Sheriff or something that's OK. And...or you're going to be mauled by a tiger through an evolution standpoint. But if you're constantly under stress. Worrying about the bills, worrying about traffic, whatever it is. That slow drip of adrenaline hormone burns away in your artery and hence you get cholesterol build up as an example, why stress creates heart attacks. Same thing. Hormones like that are very, that really effect the body, they tend to create cancer in the organs around them. And the same with the breasts with women. Estrogen is the same sort of thing, again the corollary. So that's the first reason. Is that hormones, certain hormones are very caustic because they work so well. OK, just look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, guys that pump testosterone that's the reaction.
The second reason's a design flaw. The prostate is in a position that doesn't get much movement. My grandmother used to yell at me when I was younger and my brother we got the old, you're about my age, Atari 2600.
Interviewer: Oh yeah, that was the best.
Dr. Phranq Tamburri: Yeah we all played Yar's revenge all day we didn't go outside.
Interviewer: Yeah I know.
Dr. Phranq Tamburri: So we're playing that game and she'd say, Frankie, Frankie get out, get out of the house. She'd say if you don't get out and move the bones she'd say. If you don't move the bones you'll get sick. I thought, what does she know? Well she knows a lot. She was my Polish grandmom and she was wiser than me because it turns out that she was right. She just didn't know why. When you move you actually move the second circulatory system that you have. That's the lymphatic system. Your cardiac system, you have a heart that will beat regardless. But your other circulatory system doesn't have a second heart to move your lymphatics. Your lymphatics are where your white blood cells reside and if you don't move that then your white blood cells which are the police force to stop disease and cancer, they can't do they're job. So you have to be moving by strengthening and pumping muscles.
Well, going back tot he prostate. The prostate is in an area that you don't really get much movement to. When I walk, and I'm from Philly so I tend to strut, your whole body kind of moves. But if you actually plotted somebody walking their arms move, their head moves but their pelvis stays almost straight and they're not getting much movement. Traditionally though we've adapted enough as human beings where we would get some flow by opening and closing the pelvis. How? One, squatting. And when you defecate and I went to college in Japan and I've spent time in other countries, third world for instance. They squat to defecate. In Africa the same thing. That's what you're supposed to do. Most people around the world they can squat and not tip over like Americans tend to. And that is that constant opening and flexing that allows the pelvic area to move at the lymph. You climb trees, you squat to plant corn. We don't do that. We sit all the time like this. And then you sit and drive and you're on this prostate gland that needs to breathe and we're putting weight on it everywhere we go. And as a corollary to make sense with this. Women we think began to have breast cancer more after the invention of the under wire bra. Now you may have heard that. Because the lymphatic system's under there. The tail of Spence. And especially women if they have larger breasts then you have these tight wires that cuts off the circulation and women get these fibrotic nodules around that realm. Same thing. Those are lymph nodes that are not able to circulate. With estrogen dominating and bathing that gland. Breast and Prostate again you'll see they're brother and sister.
The prostate is a relatively small organ, yet its constantly mentioned in the same breath as cancer. Why is this small organ so susceptible to cancer? Dr. Phranq Tamburri says it comes down to a couple major reasons which he explains here.
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