How to Tell if You Have Candida or Parasites

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Scott: Your book mentioned some digestive issues.  Parasites being one, candida we talked about a little bit.  Are there outward signs of either of these conditions?  Because they can really be root causes of so many other problems in the body.  

Donna Burka Wild: That's true.  And there are physical signs.  Talk about parasites, they're a little hard to discern.  But um, alternating constipation and diarrhea, an itchy anus, grinding or clenching of the teeth, hyperactivity.  And a yeast infections as well.  Because parasites and yeast tend to go hand in hand.  The parasites give off an exotoxin that allows the yeast to thrive, and the yeast gives off an exotoxin that allows the parasites to survive.  And we think, gee, parasites only come from foreign countries, but what people don't realize, is that there's parasites in salad bars here in the United States.  A lot of people sleep with their animals, their dog and cats.  They could be getting it from them as well.  

Yeast is a little easier to discern.  You get rashes, telltale rashes.  Not only on the inner thighs of a woman's yeast infection, but it can be anywhere on the body and it tends to be red and raised.  Toenail fungus is a sign of yeast infections.  A coating on the tongue is yeast... could be a yeast infection, or some sort of gut dysbiosis or digestive problem.  Toenail fungus is a yeast infection.  Lets see, some of the other ones are cradle cap, dandruff, athlete's foot, jock itch.  They're all yeast infections and yes, we can treat them topically, but we also have to treat them systemically to get rid of them.  Because once they're coming out the skin, they're basically systemic.  And what people don't realize, we only think of the digestive tract as having a flora, but there's flora everywhere in the body.  On our skin, in our sinuses, in our mouth, in our digestive tract, and other places in the body as well.  

Scott: You mentioned earlier, when we talk about parasites, when you get tested at your doctor, sometimes there can be issues there with those tests as well, right?

Wild: Yes, because parasites live in cycles.  So the best parasite labs in the country even tell you their tests are only 50 percent effective, because you have to do the tests when the parasite is active and not when it's dormant.  Also a problem with parasites, the way that they're being treated allopathically, is that they only give one dose to get rid of them.  Where if there's anything in the system... these parasites are living organisms and they want to stay alive.  So they realize there's something in the system that's going to destroy them.  They lay larvae.  The larvae stays dormant until there's nothing in the system to kill them, and then the larvae comes out again.  And that's why when I treat parasites with herbs or digestive enzymes, depending on what type of parasites they have, I have to put them on for a length of time and take them off for a length of time.  Put them on it and take them off of it so that we get all of those um, hatching larvae as they hatch.


Are there outward signs of either of these two conditions, that could end up being causes of so many other conditions? Donna Burka Wild says there are signs to look for. She describes what those might be and what you need to know to take care of the issues naturally.

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