Infant's Diet Affects Life-Long Health!

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Scott: How important is the food that we're eating in the first two, four, five years of life, and what does that set us up for down the road?

Nick Delgado: You know, Scott, it sets the stage for a whole host of either good health or poor health. 

I'm blessed because I have 5 children from ages 4 to 34. As we develop with more science and knowledge, the 4-year-old has got the benefit of what I learned before the 34-year-old. I have to say, the 34-year-old, I remember, my wife was breast-feeding, at the time, and the baby was getting colicky and having problems and having trouble sleeping. I said, 'You know, I think it's the milk you're drinking that's somehow getting to the breast milk into the baby and affecting the baby.' She looked at me and said, 'That's strange,' and didn't believe me. 

I took her to Dr. Paul Fleiss, he's a renowned researcher-MD. He's a pediatrician from USC-UCLA. He's really well trained. Now, I think he's approaching his 80s. He examined the baby, went through all the tests, now that was 34 years ago, and he turned to her and said, 'I think he's allergic to milk. You have to stop drinking milk, and maybe, let's see what happens.' Sure enough, she gave up the milk, the colic went away. The baby could sleep through the night. 

That was my first introduction to prove that babies are so sensitive when they're so young, and there digestive tract is sensitive to leaky gut syndrome or certain proteins that are too complex for the human body. Even as we get older, oftentimes, these proteins are too complex. My 4-year-old has the opportunity because I started him off, after two years of breast feeding, with his mom we introduced coconut water. Then we gradually introduced bananas and some natural fruit and things. His doctor, Dr. Karchinell, says that he's got to be one of the most fortunate babies because we have a perfect diet for him. The times he deviates, he's at a little school function, eats something, you see the differences in his behavior, or you notice something comes up within his health and physiology, colds and flus and things.

Oftentimes, I think we've overlooked the importance for childhood nutrition and how that sets the stage for a future of either optimum health or poor health, but we can still adjust. Even if our mom's didn't know everything we know, and they didn't breast feed, and they introduced some of these foods too soon. We can go back and make the most basic type of diet to make it compatible so that this person can have some relief, less inflammation, better health, better mental function and clarity, and, overall, prevent cardiovascular disease, reduce the incidence of diabetes, arthritis, heart disease. 

These things, we now know about. Dr. Dean Ornish, at this convention, is talking about reversing atherosclerosis with the very same diet that I've been using for 35 years. Many of these are offshoots of Nathan Pritikin and his original research, which, by the way, he's been vindicated. Medicare recently approved his course and lectures for the treatment of diabetes. We had an early study back in the 1980s of over 4,000 patients with diabetes and, to this day, nothings been matched to prove so well and conclusively that oils and fats is one of the principle factors that desensitizes insulin. Milk compounds the problem. We realized that it wasn't just sugar alone that caused diabetes, there's far more to it.
Information Does what you feed your infant or child affect their health many years later? Dr. Nick Delgado explains how diet from as early as breastfeeding can affect the child's health immediately as well as a number of years down the road.

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