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Interviewer: You know, we talk a lot about slowing down the aging process, especially at conferences like this, at the A4M. Can science, do you think, in the future actually reverse aging, and if so, I mean, to what degree? To how
young could we go back and become?
Dr. Park: Yeah, I think we're already there, quite frankly. I think the
introduction of telomerase activators has made it possible for people to
stop and reverse aging. And so if you go to my YouTube channel, drpark65,
there's a hundred and fifty-thousand views just about on patients of mine
who are seeing signs of reversed aging. Now FDA-wise, we can't make claims
of this reversing of disease, but they're just interesting stories. So I do
think that telomerase activation's a big part of the equation, but once we
get the custom stem cell, they can take whatever best cells you have,
whether it be from your sperm, and then you can custom differentiate a
kidney or a liver, then you can get, like, a factory-original part, like
that Corvette would be just like the original one off the line in '67. Then
you can look and perform at a really young age, because as we're aging, a
lot of our stem cell library gets older, so they're like replacement parts
from worse and older parts, but they can find the best copy that mom and
dad gave you and then give you a really fresh, you
know, so that... again, that's why I say negligible senescence, and yeah,
you could be a hundred and feel like you're twenty. And it really... it
bothers people because it's a lot to have to handle.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Dr. Park: I was at a dinner the other night and I introduced the concept and
everyone was really anxious about running out of money, and I kept on
telling them "Listen, you know, you're going to want to work and you're
going to be productive," so you know... I know that people that retire....
I think after airline pilots retire, they have a high incidence of sudden
death, and that's true of a lot of people. So working is a blessing and
keeps you active. So people think getting old means getting sick, and now
if you get really old, you run out of money. Again, this is sort of a
scarcity mentality that people need to get over. I mean I have so many
people that on T65 they find new love or they start new careers or they go
back to school, because when you don't draw up that end-point at 85 or
whatever, you realize that there's a lot you can do. And you know, whether
you live 85 or 850, really people need to take it a day at a time and do
one foot in front of the other type of things. I really don't think if we
lived until 850, people would conduct themselves very differently. They
might have a midlife crisis at 825 or something. So unfortunately a lot of
it's quality, not quantity, you know?
Interviewer: Yeah. How close are we, do you think, to seeing a real jump in life-
expectancy? I mean is it ten years down the road? Are we looking at 50
extra years? I mean what do you foresee?
Dr. Park: I mean who knows? But I think that the adoption of telomerase
activators, and hopefully the mass-production of it, will pay incredible
dividends. So I think people that are in good state of health now, they've
already... you know, assuming that they can afford it, they've already seen
their life-expectancy bump to 150, easy. It's already here. So you know, I
have this idea to have people donate money to other people, like Save the
Children but for older people, so hopefully that will be a way to monetize
the karma. If somebody's a good person, if they can't afford T.A., then
another person could donate to them and watch their progress at a personal
level. There's no administrators, there's no charities or watchdog. You'll
give the money to this person; you see them get younger and healthier. And
that's a really nice way to use the tool of money, I think.
How is it possible and how far can this technology go? Dr. Ed Park discusses the reversal of the aging process and how it's available to us know. He also discusses the future of the science and how long and productive lives might soon become.
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