This is What's Happening When You Have a Disease!

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Interviewer: You now are an expert in metabolic and nutritional medicine. I think most people can understand the nutritional part but can you further explain what those are?

Jamie Wright: So metabolic and nutritional medicine really is not an established field yet. I view it as an emerging field. The core concept, in my opinion, is that it recognizes that health and well being is the normal, natural state of the human body, and if we don't have that, the answer doesn't lie in a drug or a surgical modality, the answer lies in treating the human body at its most basic unit, which is at the cell. So the metabolic aspect really reflects on, or is a word to describe how the cell functions to do its energy making processes and to do its detoxifying processes. That's really all that has to happen to make the body work well. It has to make energy and it has to get rid of the waste. 

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Jamie Wright: And if it does those two things then you can have robust health. 

Interviewer: And if it doesn't do those things what are some of the paths that the body can go down?

Jamie Wright: My viewpoint of disease is a little bit different. I view disease as an extreme manifestation of the body's long term compensation to chronic metabolic insults, chronic toxicity. So the disease, in this perspective, is really an adaptation. It is what has to happen to keep you alive, despite the fact the you have essentially trashed your body for years. And when you view it from that standpoint you realize that it's an aberration. So all you really do is start removing theses insults, these inflammatory insults, these toxic insults. So wellness through elimination is step one. And as you begin, as in individual, to remove these toxic things from your life they may be spiritual, psychological, or physiological, or physical, you begin to return towards your normal state of well being. Now that doesn't mean that that's all there is two it. There are other things you need to add in. When I first started practicing I threw a lot of things at people, fancy tests, a lot of vitamins, hormones. And we got somewhere, but not very far. 

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Jamie Wright: And then I discovered that, wait a second, I'm approaching this wrong. They're supposed to be healthy. So maybe we should start looking at what to get out of their life as a first step, low hanging fruit, to move them down that path. Then you gain momentum. Them you start adding the things that their body needs uniquely for them. Or you start flipping the rocks over, looking at sophisticated tests to see are there metabolic pathways that are stuck? Do they have genetic, what are called polymorphisms, meaning little changes in their genetic code that make them not, say, metabolize something very well? And at 30 or 40 years of not metabolizing something well can lead to a more toxic state. And then you get into these imbalances and then people get their diseases.


When we are sick or have a chronic condition, is it just bad luck? Bad genes? Dr. Jamie Wright discusses disease and what the body needs to reduce or eliminate disease. Find out how he says the body gets burdened and comes down with a disease or condition. Find out what is happening when you have a disease!

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