Why Alternative Cancer Treatments Aren't Available Here

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Scott: Why... you mentioned you had to go to Mexico for treatment.  Why is that still the case when there are documented success stories of other treatments, but you can't find that available in this country.  The doctor's here say, 'here's what we have to offer' and that's it.

Annie Brandt:  Hmmm.  That's a big subject.  So, that's another reason why I started Best Answer for Cancer, was to bring together alternative options and practitioners that we vet and we give a legitimacy to that they currently don't have.  So oncology, the oncological board, is a very large, very powerful organization.  Their success rates are based on the standard of care, surgery, chemo, radiation.  They have five year survival stats, because cancer tends to come back in six to eleven years.  So they're hedging their bets and giving themselves very good odds by having five year survival rates.  You never hear about alternative success stories or good therapies, because to do a clinical study, a clinical trial, requires millions of dollars.  And little alternative doctors and alternative organizations do not have that kind of money.  So we can't quote success rates, and survival rates.

In Mexico, they don't have the same situation.  They can quote all day long.  There's no oncological board down there, that I'm aware of, that controls whether or not you have survival rates.

Now, going to Mexico or Germany as opposed to staying in the United States is another hot button of mine.  Because Mexico, the way it used to be, you could get very good programs for a reasonable cost.  Same with Germany.  Germany's still pretty reasonable, I believe.  Mexico, um, they have, a lot of them have seen us coming.  We are... you know, medical tourism now is very big.  Is that to say they're all crooked?  No.  Not at all.  But you can spend thirty thousand dollars in three weeks down there, where I spent thirty thousand dollars in three years.  You could spend thirty thousand dollars here and do a lot of good.  So, again, it's a personal choice.  Do you choose to travel?  Do you want to go to Mexico to have your treatment?  You know sometimes its just a mindset that makes a difference.

You asked me what I think about fundraisers.  That's like a real heart breaker for me, because we're not funded by the government or by a drug company.  We're strictly donation based and we sell services to our physician members, you know website, directory listing, things like that, we get some money for that.  And then our annual conferences.  That's what keeps us going.  But it breaks my heart when I get a call from a 23 year old new mother, who's stage 4 breast cancer and has no money.  And she says can you help me?  Do you have any money?  And I have to say no, I don't.  We don't.  You know and I see so many people doing the pink runs.  And they raise so much money to go run.  And they raise money running, and they proudly deliver their funds.  And that organization, 85 cents of every dollar goes to perks.  15 cents goes to the mission.  And the mission is research for them.  And what are they researching?  Drugs.  So give me a tenth of it.  You know, what I could do with a tenth of it.  It's very frustrating. 


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If you're looking for something outside of traditional cancer treatments, like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, you are often forced to look outside the country. Annie Brandt, Founder of Best Answer for Cancer, explains why that is still the case and why alternative cancer treatments aren't widely available here!

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