Four Things Your Doctor Didn't Tell You About High Blood Pressure!

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Interviewer:  Blood pressure meds is something that's very popular. It's obviously -- if you have high blood pressure, it's a very serious condition. But a lot of people are on multiple blood pressure meds. Are those needed, or are there better, safer, more natural alternatives?
Dr. Wright:  They're usually needed in the short-term. If the blood pressure's discovered to be very high, you want to get it down, so it doesn't put the person at more risk than they should. So short-term, yeah, there's some small place for patented blood pressure medications. What I mean by "patented" is they don't occur in nature, therefore they're molecules, which, see, the law says, if it occurs in nature, you can't patent it, and if you can't patent it, you can't make all that money on it, so, basically, if your goal is to find a patent-able molecule, that won't kill you, that we can keep selling you forever, because we're not getting at the cause of the problem. You know, that's good for, as they same in mixed-up French and English, cherchez la cause. You know, let's find what the real problem is. Okay, there are several common causes for high blood pressure, and I ask people to look for them, even if they're on the medication temporarily, and if we find that, let's do something about that cause, that cause, that cause, and usually we'll find, out of four or five common causes, we'll find two or three in any one individual high blood pressure, so we work on those problems, and the high blood pressure slowly goes away, and they can just get off their patent medications, and, know, the simplest one is vitamin D. What is not well-publicized is that, like auto-immune disease, hypertension occurs at the least around the Earth equator, I should say in the human population around the Earth's equator. It doesn't matter what the ethnic group is: they can be black, white, purple, pink, American Indian, whatever it is, least hypertension is around the equator, as you go north towards the poles, south towards the poles, there's more and more hypertension. What does that suggest? Vitamin D, of course, it suggests!
Now, what nobody's telling us, nobody's telling us is that the pharmaceutical companies know this. Lemme tell you how I know they know. I read a paper put out by a pharmaceutical company, by a P.H.D., a very bright fellow, and what he was saying was, "Well, there's this whole pathway of things that goes from the DNA down to this enzyme called ACE, angiotension converting enzyme. And we've heard of ACE blockers, that's one type of antihypertensive, and then there's another type of antihypertensive called ACE inhibitors, they inhibit the ACE from hitting the receptor, so what we're doing is we're stopping this ACE molecule, either from being made or inhibiting its action, and that's patent-able, and yes, it has lots of side-effects, and you should call your doctor about it at the bottom of the screen at the end of the commercial, but even so it does bring down your blood pressure. So he discussed this whole thing, and then he says, "This is all the end of a set of-- of reactions that starts up here at the DNA, and guess what regulates it," he says in his paper. Vitamin D. So if we put vitamin D in up here, well, we dam the stream up here, we don't have to dam it down, yeah, do we? I can't say dam, damming it down there, but, anyway, we put vitamin D up here. And then he said, this fellow who worked for the pharmaceutical company, in the last paragraph is, "Now we have to come up with a pseudo and analog, a molecule we can patent that's like vitamin D." Rather than saying, "Why don't we just use vitamin D?" Alright, so, what to do? If you've got high blood pressure, step one: go see a doctor. Get your vitamin D level measured. Is it the same as at is at people who live in the tropics, that lived there all their lives, get some sun, don't die of vitamin D overdose, is it the same as there? Because if it isn't, you haven't got enough vitamin D in you! Yeah.
A lot of my background comes from what they call cultural anthropology, the study of peoples around the world, living in so-called native conditions, and, one of the things that doesn't occur, in the tropics and in native populations is hypertension, unless their eating a Western European diet, but that's a different story, if they're on the wrong diet. But they're getting plenty of sun, so, fortunately, I also work with engineers. I love working with engineers. They come in with data, they come in with statistics, they come in with, here's my cholesterol, 20 years ago, here it was 15 years ago and all that, and follow their blood pressure carefully. If they, um, have high blood pressure at all, they're talking it everyday. So, I've worked with a couple of engineers who taught me that they weren't up to the tropical optimum, they have high blood pressure, they started taking vitamin D to get themselves up to this tropical optimal, and just anybody's who's interested, the normal range would be between 30 and a hundred nanograms per millimeter. Forget it! The tropical optimal is 60 to a hundred. So I shoot for that 60 to a hundred, which has, again, never killed anybody in the tropics, so these engineers, they take themselves enough to get up to there, and then they chart it and say, "Look! I got to the tropical optimal on this date, and it took three to four months and then my high blood pressure very slowly came down within three to four months." So, you see? It takes that long, so you've got to keep your guard up with the antihypertensive, but, in the meantime, you can be bringing it down with vitamin D, and then you can get off the hyperantitensive. And that's the simplest one, because everybody's heard of vitamin D, we can get vitamin D, you know, there's patented vitamin D, and it's known how it works, right off the bat. And here's another very simple one: uh, let's see, according to National Geographic Magazine, if you go buy up some penguins, and look for, uh, lead and mercury and arsenic and DBT in the penguin fat in Antarctica, the poor things have got lead in their penguin fat! And nobody's-- nobody's got any lead facilities down in Antarctica, it's blowing around the world, just with all the industrializing, particularly in the Asias and so forth. We check everyone who happens to have high blood pressure: for heavy metals. Lead, mercury, arsenic, all those toxic metals. Nearly everybody has got a body burden of those things.
Lead is a known cause of high blood pressure, Cadmium is an even better known cause of high blood pressure, and we'll find someone who's got high blood pressure, and the toxic metals are up where they shouldn't be and not at all in the safe range, and we do something called chelation,  and thank goodness! You must have gotten a good remark from the National Institutes of something or other very recently. Look at that, it cuts the death rate of type 2 diabetics by 35 to 40 percent. Oh my goodness, doing chelation! We didn't say why, though. Well, I don't know why, either, but they do know one thing chelation does: it pulls toxic metals out of the body. So, the second thing to look for if you got high blood pressure, is do you have a toxic metal build-up in your body? And please don't let anybody just draw blood and tell you, "Oh, you have nothing in your system." That's nonsense. Lead is stored in the bones, it's stored in other places. You have to send in, via IV, the chelated agent. It's safe. One of the chelated agents is used as a food preserve, it's that safe, and, once that's in there, collect all the urine for six hours. That's what chelating agents do: is they grab the toxic metals wherever they are in the body, come out the end, and then the doctors will tell you what was stored away in your system. Never do the basic blood test, you have to do the chelation test. Do a little chelation to get things back to normal, your blood pressure comes right down with it too, and most everybody that I've ran into, who has high blood pressure, has those two basic problems: they live far from the tropics, they have lower than optimal vitamin D, and, secondly, they've been on the planet since the Industrial Revolution started, and here comes all this lead and mercury and toxic stuff, and we work on these two toxic things, and it pulls down the blood pressure. Okay, but here comes the third one: according to a lot of statistics, one-third of the population in North America has the genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes. Now, before we ever get diabetes, you've heard of something called metabolic syndrome, sometimes it's called, or sometimes it's called insulin resistance.
And, as, uh, a lot of folks know by now, when you have type 2 diabetes, you don't have, not like insulin, that's type 1 diabetes. With type 2, we actually have an abundance of insulin, but our bodies are developing this thing called resistance, and so they resist the activity of insulin, but insulin's so crucial to getting the sugars into the cells, that the body gets more and more insulin, more resistance, and more resistance, and more insulin, then it goes up and up and up, until finally that insulin simply can't work as good as it should, and that person's got type 2 diabetes. That process takes 30 to 40 years, for metabolic syndrome. We've seen it in kids, teenagers, to turn into outright type 2 diabetes. One of the things that ever-increasing insulin signal does is to drive up the blood pressure. So, a lot of people come in: "I'm on this Staten over here for my cholesterol, I'm on this antihypertensive over here for my high blood pressure," and I'll say, "Were you checked for pre-type 2 diabetes? Were you checked for insulin resistance?" "No, what's that?" Well, excuse me, but if you've got high cholesterol, it turns out that high insulin stimulates the enzyme in everybody's liver that makes cholesterol, and high insulin stimulates the blood pressure to go up, so your almost a lock if you've got high blood pressure and high cholesterol to be a type 2 diabetic unless you do something about it. It's not that hard. Diet and exercise are the two main things. Alright, so we'll do this test and the resistance test for people who have any chance of being a pre-type 2 diabetic, a hundred percent of everyone who comes in here says they have a diabetic in the family-- a type-2 diabetic in my family, and I'm getting high blood pressure, a hundred percent of them were given the insulin resistance test, and about 95 percent of them, they're on their way to type-2 diabetes, so, what do you do?
Give them an antihypertensive? Now, what does that do to keep you from getting type 2 diabetes? Not a thing, it just puts the blood pressure down. But if they go onto a diet, and the best diet is the paleo diet, and more and more folks are noticing that, they go on a paleo diet, they go on the right type of exercise, which is interval training, and then there's a few basic supplements that many of the very smart doctors have wrapped in multiples for people with blood sugar, the Viotan and all the good stuff, in extra quantities in there, you see. So, you go onto the diet, get plenty of exercise, and use this basic multiple that's made up for people with blood sugar troubles, a botanical called Bulbamine, oh, it's been studied intensively, it does so many things and it does them very rapidly, to get that insulin signal under control. So, as the insulin signal comes down, the blood pressure comes down, the cholesterol comes down, and you ain't gonna get type-2 diabetes, see there! What could be better? So, there's a third thing you can do, while we're working on that, if you're blood pressure's still that high that you need that antihypertensive, okay, okay -- but now let's look at a couple of other things. Let's look at the medications they use for high blood pressure. One of the more famous ones is called calcium channel blockers. The calcium channel blocker worked on your body, do you know what that means? It means you didn't have enough magnesium! Because magnesium is nature's calcium channel blocker. Now, some really smart scientists-- I'll shut up on this topic in a moment, but some very smart scientists with electron microscopes, examined, what do calcium channel blockers do? It turns out that there's very little calcium inside of cells, unless it's outside the cell, and there's these things called calcium channels that allows the calcium to come through, but when they do, the blood vessel muscle wall relaxes as well, because calcium is a contractive force, and the magnesium's a relaxing force.
All right, so these channels... these people with electron microscopes discovered, that sitting in the inside of each one of them, inside the cell, is a magnesium ion, and it blocks the calcium from coming through. Okay? Alright. What the calcium channel blockers do, they studied with the electron microscope, the channel blockers literally turn those channels into spaghetti, so that nothing can get through! They actually twist and deformed a normal formation in a cell membrane, so nothing can get through. Now, excuse me, nature wants that calcium to get through, when it's needed. It parks its magnesium molecule in the way, and when it's needed, the magnesium molecule somehow manages to get the heck out of the way, and here comes a little calcium, the magnesium gets back in there, but the channel is still intact. So, it can be-- it can work the way nature intended. Alright, so, if the calcium channel blocker worked, maybe that person didn't have enough magnesium to block the calcium channels. So what do we do? Well, we can certainly have people take magnesium, up to a certain amount, three or 400 milligrams a day, doesn't bother too many people. But past that, it starts behaving more and more like-- more and more like milk of magnesium. And you know what mom gave that to us for. So, very fortunately, one of the more innovative somethings up there have come up with magnesium preparations, and there are three or four competing companies, where in a half teaspoon of stuff, my goodness, there's 1500, 2,000 milligrams of magnesium, and you rub in a quarter teaspoon a day. I know one gentleman [farting] who, unfortunately, lost both his kidneys to kidney cancer, his blood pressure's up here. His doctor can't believe that he's talking no antihypertensive medications because all he does is to rub in a half-teaspoon of this magnesium stuff everyday, and this is a nephrologist doctor, that is. And his blood magnesium is twice normal, which, by the way, never hurt anybody unless it slows their pulse, that means their blood pressure's under perfect control, thank you.
Magnesium keeps those blood vessels dilated, as dilated as they can, so, another thing we do is, look at magnesium. Is that gonna help this person, how are their magnesium levels? Well, like I said, there's four or five things, there's two or three more I can tell you about, these are just some of the major ones. If we look for the causes for that high blood pressure, and work on every one of the causes that person has, because of course, there's no relationship known between lack of vitamin D and toxic metal exposure, you know, they have independent causes. We work on every one of them, our odds of-- I'll take that back. That person's odds of getting their own blood pressure back to normal, because, that's the person to help, the person who has to be responsible is the person with the problem, no question, and the best a doctor can do is coach, and hope that they take the coaching, and see if it works. But if a person works on it, you can almost always get their blood pressure down to normal, and be off all hypertensives within six months to 12 months, and, since we've got the causes, that person is going to be that much healthier in the long run, because look at it, what if they were low on vitamin D? They're much more open to dying of a variety of things, breast cancer, prostate cancer, than if they had enough vitamin D. So we've not only helped the one problem, but we've helped several other things, and the same thing with a person's blood pressure, is because of insulin resistance, there's two ways of going about it: take that medicine, or don't get type-2 diabetes.

High blood pressure is a serious condition and one that has a number of prescription drugs available. But are there more natural ways to keep it under control? Dr. Jonathan V. Wright discusses four key things that can be used to naturally get blood pressure under control!

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