Key Steps to Natural Adrenal Recovery

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Scott: . . . If we do some of the things that you talked about, if we start
to eat better foods, whole foods, manage our stress, get rid of the
artificial stimulants like the caffeine that you talked about, can we
reverse the trend and get our adrenals healthier? Or is there sometimes a
point where the damage has been done?

Doctor James L. Wilson: It's been remarkable the recovery that I've seen
using just food, exercise, dietary changes. In most cases, however, I find
that after someone's more than a mild adrenal fatigue, then they need
dietary supplements, too.

Now, there's one thing about the food I forgot to mention. Is that when
they eat, they should have a fat, a whole carbohydrate like an unrefined
grain of some sort and an oil or fat. So a protein, an unrefined
carbohydrate and a fat or oil at every meal. This helps keep their energy
much more simple and much more steady.

The other thing is we want them to chew their food 30 times a mouthful. The
reason we want to do that is, first of all, it's relaxing and, second of
all, it helps digest their food. Because by this time, the stress has made
it more difficult for their digestive system to work because the digestive
enzymes have gotten burned out from the stress.

When someone's under stress, the blood flow tends to go out to the hands,
and the arms and the feet, getting ready to do so something. That means
that there's slight starvation of the blood flow to the intestinal tract.
Over time, that stress makes it so there's less hydrochloric acid, there's
pancreatic enzymes so people can digest their food, as well.

We want them to chew their food, not just because it's relaxing, but
because it also makes it much easier to digest their food. So, just a
couple of other points about food I wanted to point out. But then they'll
usually need dietary supplements.

This is a tricky one because there are many dietary supplements on the
market, and there's over 30 of them for adrenal fatigue. How do you know?


Scott: That's the question.

Doctor Wilson: Now, it's a very interesting question because they may not
be the most expensive, they may not be the cheapest. You can't tell,
necessarily. What you can, usually, tell is quality. In most cases, what I
found is that someone is moderate or severe, they'll need what I call
glandular extractor. What's called in the industry is a glandular
extractor, a glandular concentrate. The best ones I've found have been the
ones that are hormone free. That are from the adrenal, pituitary and the
hypothalamus and the gonadal tissue.

That four is the best combination I have found, clinically, in practice.
That helps provide the raw material those glands need to help reconstruct
any damage that might have been done. It's a slow-working process to use
those glandular extracts. So the other thing you need is that, in order to
make those hormones properly, you have to use the nutrients that are needed
along that cascade.

Now, chief among them is a lot of niacin, vitamin B3 because these are all,
I don't want to get too technical, NADPH pathways which are the special
enzymatic pathway that uses up a lot of niacin. Niacin, up to 125
milligrams a day is needed. B6 is needed because there's several fluid
shifts and other needs for the B6's pathways. Also, pantothenic acid,
another B vitamin is needed. Then the B vitamin, up to 12, 1500 milligrams
of pantothenic acid so much more than you can find.

You're going to find, if you look carefully, supplements or daily supply
will include 125 milligrams of niacin, it will include 50 to 100 milligrams
of B6, include 12 to 1500 milligrams of pantothenic acid. Then, of course,
the supporting B vitamins on this and the supporting minerals that they
need to help this pathway function like it's supposed to.

Magnesium is another, really, important mineral that's needed. They need
about 2 to 400 milligrams of magnesium. My suggestion is a magnesium
citrate or a magnesium glycinate. Those are more easily absorbed, and with
400 milligrams, people don't, usually, have loose bowels like they might
with some of the cheaper magnesiums.

So those are some of the things that they can do. Then, also, there's some
herbs I found that are very useful. I find when they used combinations, and
I like the tinctures more than I do the dry herbs-, Is an herb called
ashwagandha. It's an east Indian herb that a lot of women use for menstrual
irregularities. Well, it's really good to regulate the HPA access.

So is another one that used to be called Siberian Ginseng, now it's called
eleutherococcus senticosus. That's, also, an important one.  Maca, it's a
tuber that comes out of South America, Peru, mainly and it's an important
one. Then licorice, the old fashioned licorice, is. Those four in
combination work, really, well with the HP access to make people feel more
settled, help them sleep better at night. They, also, seem to be good for
PMS and perimenopausal symptoms which you get with adrenal fatigue, as

So when we do that, those are three things they can do. A fourth one is,
look at the kind of C they need because vitamin C is critical for adrenal
function. The adrenals use more vitamin C than any other gland in the body,
any other tissue in the body. As a matter of fact, the adrenal gland is the
only place I know of a small amount of vitamin C can, actually, be stored.

In order to recover from adrenal fatigue, people need to have between two
and four grams of vitamin C. The difficulty is the regular vitamin C's are
what we call ascorbic acid. People with adrenal fatigue are already too
acidic so we need to alkalize those or not increase that acidity by having
it pH balanced.

Then my suggestion to, also, get a sustained release vitamin C so you get a
sustained amount of vitamin C throughout three to four hours so that it
slowly increases tissue perfusion. If you do that, then the kidneys don't
take it in and pee it out like they would normally.

Those three suggestions for a special vitamin C, two to three grams a day,
get a sustained released and a pH balance. Make sure the pH balancing is
with minerals, not with the cheap bicarbonates.

That gives you four suggestions and they can all be taken together, as a
matter of fact. You got one to rebuild the gland, one to help the cascade,
one to keep the amount of vitamin C needed to heal that gland sufficient
and one to balance the HPA access.

Then we can use that four letter word not used in medicine very often -
heal. You will see full recovery with the right lifestyle, with the right
dietary changes, with the supplements. In most cases, unless it's
complicated by some other thing, you will see recovery. You can sometimes
see recovery to a better level than they were before they ever got the
adrenal fatigue in the first place.

How long? If it's mild, the questionnaire is self-grading so you know
whether you have mild, moderate, or severe adrenal fatigue. Mild, six
months. Moderate a year, sometimes a year and a half. Severe, you have to
give it up to two years. People didn't get this shape in two minutes. It
takes time. They'll go off the wagon and they'll get back on again. They'll
quit taking the supplements, they'll start it again. The stress will
happen. You know, life goes on. If we could put these people in a bubble,
we'd probably get well in two months, and they'd be great, ready to go, but
life happens while we're also treating ourselves.

The nice thing, Scott, all this is something someone can do themselves.
They can order the test online, the saliva test. Several companies send
them to you in the mail. You can go to a doctor, and I suggest you go to a
doctor that's informed on adrenal fatigue for help.

Most of this, is it totally empowers the person to help with her own
recovery. The combination of the book, and the supplements and what they
can learn on the internet, will help them be able to fully recover unless
there's a complication. About 10 to 20 percent of the severe cases, I find

That complication could be a low thyroid, it can be a tooth that hasn't
been taken care of. It can be an inflamed ovary. It can be ugiptis
dysbiosis, in another words, the intestinal tract is messed up to the point
where they can't absorb and utilize the nutrients. And the stress inside,
their intestinal tract is too much for the adrenals to recover from so they
have to take care of that, too.

In most people, if they simply do what's in the book and they take the
right supplements, within three to four weeks, they, usually, start feeling
some better. Key is don't quit taking the supplements. Don't quit doing the
lifestyle things when you start feeling better. You're not healed. You're
just feeling better, okay? So you continue to go on, and over time, you'll
notice you need less supplementation. You're feeling better, your stamina
increases, your sleeping patterns improve, all these other things happen.

I, also, suggest that you keep a journal and four or five times a week,
write down three or four lines that say, "This is how I feel today. This is
what happened today."

Then on your bad days, go back, and look and you say, "Oh. Yeah. You know
what? I'm able to do this now. Back then I always felt like that. Now, I
just feel like this once in a while."

On your good days, you can look and say, "Wow. I can't believe I ever felt
that bad before."

People have short memories.

Scott: Sure.

Doctor Wilson: They get sick a day and they forgot they were ever well.
They get well a day and they forgot they were ever sick. The journal is a
good reminder about where they come from and then, eventually, where
they've gotten to.
If you have adrenal fatigue, how can you recover naturally? Dr. James L. Wilson describes a number of things you should do to naturally help your adrenals recover. Find out what kind of supplements are key to adrenal support and what other things you can do from diet to exercise.

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