You Won't Believe How Your Health Can Be Traced to Dental Health!

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Scott: Doctor, can you explain how our dental health effects so many other things?  I don't think many people make that connection, that there is a connection between that and other diseases, particularly cancer.  How is that possible?

Dr. Isaac Eliaz: It's actually very important and overlooked topic, which is being more paid attention to in Europe than the United States, but that is slowly changing.  There are really two kinds of dentistry.  There's regular dentistry that looks at the teeth as tools for eating and if there is a problem, we fix the hole or whatever it is.  There's really a field called biological dentistry, or holistic dentistry, which looks at the relationship between the teeth and the whole body, our whole health.  In general, the TMJ, the tempromandibular joint, the one that we chew with and our bones, you know the upper jaw and the lower jaw, this is the most frequently used joint in the body.  And it works under great pressure all the time.  For talking, for eating for drinking, etcetera.  What we find out that there are a lot of issues that relate to bone health, that relate to dental health, that relate to gum health that can affect not only the localized area but can affect our whole well being.  And there are a few areas that are very important.

One area that is more and more recognized is just the idea of using amalgam fillings.  Amalgam is about 50 percent mercury.  And it just doesn't make sense to put one of the most toxic materials on earth, in the mouth of somebody.  And there have been studies showing that there is a leakage from mercury fillings into the system.  Very interesting animal studies where they took mice, and when the mother had amalgam fillings, the immune system of the offspring was suppressed.  And when they removed the amalgam fillings, the immune system became better.  So there is pretty solid evidence about the issue of mercury leakage and mercury toxicity with dental issues.  Also very often, under amalgam fillings, some dentists say almost always when you actually change the fillings, there is decay.  There is a subtle subclinical infection.  So these are very serious issues, and the industry, the dental industry, if they admitted wrongdoing, when it came to amalgam fillings, it would be the biggest lawsuit ever.  So they are slowly moving away from amalgam fillings due to quote, unquote, cosmetic reasons.  

That's one issue.  It becomes worse when you have a few different metals in the body... in the mouth.  If you have amalgam, silver fillings and then you have some gold, there is... because of the different metals, you can get a current, an electric current between the fillings, which can affect our health.  And there is a way to actually measure it.  So this is talking about amalgam fillings.

But there are much bigger issues.  And one of the bigger issues is the issue of root canals.  The root is what holds the teeth in place.  You know some teeth have one root, some teeth have double roots in different places.  And often, when there's a problem, deep... within the tooth, with a very deep cavity, the root has to be replaced.  And a post, a titanium post is placed.  Sometimes other metals are used.  This is traditionally.  And they almost universally get infected.  Almost every root canal is infected.  The problem, Scott, is that very often, it is subclinical.  The patient doesn't know about it.  So in the past, it was very much voodoo medicine, this idea that root canals are infected.  And also when you take out the wisdom teeth or you extract other teeth, often, the cavity is not cleaned enough.  You don't scrape the bone that was infected, if a tooth had an infection.  And it's something called a cavitation.  A very subtle infection that stays in the bone.  Chronic myelitis of the bone.  Which any part, other part of the body, is actually a medical emergency.  You go to the ER, you get IV antibiotics, etcetera.

Well, now with technology, it's no longer myth.  We can use cone... we can use an imaging called cone beam, which is very similar to a CT scan but less, much less radiation.  And suddenly, whoops!  We see infection in the bone.  Very often without any clinical symptoms.  So all this idea that before we were measuring with current and with different (?) you know, testing and muscle testing, etcetera.  Now we have an imaging.  Now it's medically acceptable.  And suddenly we are realizing, so many patients actually have chronic infection of the jaw.  Not only of the tooth, but of the jaw.  And, I mean there are some remarkable stories that I can tell, and maybe I'll tell a little bit later once I go into greater detail in the issue.  

That's one area, very big area.  The other area, we know that gum health relates to cardiovascular health.  People with poor gum health, with a lot of gum bleeding and infection and receding gums, have great incidences of heart attack and heart disease.  This is actually acceptable even in Western medicine.  So we talked now about the idea of root canals, the worst issue.  The amalgam fillings, we can eliminate , we can avoid, and the gum health, gum disease.  But, a very important component is the topography of the teeth.  Just like we have different diagnostic methods, face diagnosis, reflexology with diagnosis from the food, ... ear diagnosis.  Also, every tooth relates to a different organ.  And it has some very simple sense.  The middle teeth, the front teeth, relate to organs in the midline of the body, because it's in the midline.  As we go to the side, it relates to more organs that are more on the side of the body.  So over the years, there are very detailed maps that have been confirmed again and again, where you can see relationship between the tooth and a certain organ.

Very often, I can't tell you how often I see it, it's remarkable, you will see issues with root canals or infected tooth or bone, in the tooth that's related to a specific cancer.  For example, I had a patient with an aggressive breast cancer of the left chest that reoccurred again and again.  And I think it was tooth 14, if I remember my numbers correct, that was related to the left breast.  When we did the cone beam, there was no more bone left.  The tooth was hanging on the gums.  The bone was eaten up completely with infection for years and the patient didn't know.  Now this patient will get treatment with chemotherapy and the cancer will reoccur again in the chest wall, again and again.  When we removed the tooth that was completely gone and we cleaned the area which means, we means, it refers to a special dentist, the same patient responded much better to the same chemotherapy.  I have many stories about patients with cancer... one patient who had uterine cancer and after surgery, the place did not heal.  And she had abscess again and again and antibiotics and nothing helped.  She was found to have a huge abscess in one of her frontal teeth that's related to the uterine area.  When the tooth was removed, immediately the abscess, it resolved immediately within days.  And I'm just giving you two out of many examples.  

So the first thing is awareness.  Many doctors don't ask about dental health.  At Amitaba Clinic, we always ask about dental health.  And if we have any suspicion, we send patients to not only with... to a cone beam imaging.  Then they see an oral surgeon that is trained and works closely with us that can analyze it.  Now, what to do.  One of the big questions, what can you do if you have a problem?  There are a few levels of therapy.  Sometimes... the worst issue, is the issue of root canals and cavitations.  And if you have a root canal, especially if it's on the tooth that relates to your cancer, the best thing is to take the tooth out.  And if you have all your other teeth in place, it's not a problem.  You just do a bridge and you can eat, there's no issue.  Sometimes if the patient that is very weak or there are multiple teeth, there are some dentists who inject ozone into the dental cavity.  And it also penetrates into the sinuses a little bit.  And the ozone will sterilize the area.  It's a temporary issue, but it will decrease or eliminate the infection and will give relief to the patient.   

The worst issues are with root canals that are with the upper jaw.  Because then they penetrate into the sinuses and cause chronic sinus infections and a lot of other problems.  And I've had so many patients with sinus infections.  The moment the tooth is taken out, the sinus infection is gone.  So in the upper jaw, it is best to take out the teeth and do a bridge.  Implants are a solution, however most implants are titanium implants.  And many people are allergic to titanium.  We underestimate it.  The new inert substance called zirconium, which just got approved last fall in the United States, it has been approved in Europe for many years.  And it's a much safer substance to actually use as opposed for your root canals.  It's safer to do implants on the bottom jaw, because you don't have the issue of going into the sinuses and affecting the brain.  But it's better to have an implant than to have an infected root canal.  There is no doubt about it.  So we have to really address the issue of root canals.  But dental and oral hygiene is very important.  Flossing two or three times a day.  Brushing your teeth well.  Taking care of your gum health.  Very, very important.  Extremely important.

There is also another phenomena where you have a dead tooth.  The tooth is still there but it's not alive anymore.  And you can see it gets discoloration, becomes brown or yellow or a different color.  It usually is not alive.  One simple solution is to take it out because it is not good to leave a dead organ in it's place.  It drains energy from the body.  Especially from the certain channel organ.  Another things some dentists use trace... they use nattokinase, which is actually a gel that thins the blood and improved circulation.  And sometimes we can revitalize and wake up the tooth.  

An interesting formula, Tibetan formula called Padma Basic was studied in cases, in 52 cases of documented root canal issues, infection, based on imaging and symptoms.  And in almost all of them, within three to four days, the symptoms subsided and the root canal issue resolved.  So it's the only really herbal formula that was shown to have an affect on root canals.  And definitely I for anybody with root canal issues to take it because it thins the blood, improves circulation, it regulates inflammatory process, it enhances immune system.

So this is what you can do, you can use some supplements.  I gave an example, an oral supplement using a tray.  You can use ozone.  You want to get rid of your amalgam fillings.  When you want to get rid of amalgam fillings, make sure you use a dentist who knows how to do it.  You need to get oxygen, your mouth needs to be completely covered so you don't swallow the amalgam, which is much worse.  Better to be in the mouth than to swallow it into the digestive system.  You have to have negative pressure in the room so all of the vapors are sucked away.  So you don't breath the mercury vapors.  There are dentists who specialize in it.  It is very important to use modified citrus pectin, at high dosages before, during and after because it  will bind to mercury.  We showed it.  And also ideally, if you work with a naturopathic physician, a holistic physician, get a high dosage vitamin C IV right away afterwards.   25 to 50 grams.  Vitamin C, especially intravenously, is a very powerful chelator of mercury.  

So this is a little bit of an overview, with some details about the importance of dental health.  The connection between dental health and other issues, there are so many.  For example, many patients with adrenal weakness and fatigue.  I always check if they've had any trauma in the front teeth, because the front teeth relate to the adrenal.  And if they do, by addressing it, either by injecting ozone or treating it with trays, or sometimes removing the tooth, you know if it's a dead tooth, you see dramatic improvements in the patient. 


Can health issues in different parts of your body be traced back to your oral or dental health? Dr. Isaac Eliaz says this is definitely the case, and that very often, the patient may not even know there is an issue in the mouth. Find out how an unknown infection can be causing problems in other organs or systems in the body. You won't believe how your overall health can be traced to your dental health!

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